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A soft, cold-hardy tree fern. Not suitable for Florida due to heat sensitivity. Sold mostly on the West Coast.


This variety has sporadic germination and all confirmations are conditional and subject to seasonal availability.



Zones 7-8


Vigor: Medium


Tasmanian Tree Fern

    Wholesale Fern Propagators

    4707 Oak Hill Street | Apopka, Florida 32712

    Phone: 800-215-2210 | Fax: 407-889-5443 |

    Office Hours | Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

    Shipping & Receiving Hours |  Monday - Friday 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM 

    With over 30 years’ experience and over 200 million ferns sold, ARC is North America’s premiere fern propagator.  We strive, daily, to supply the best quality, service, and value.



    A Family Tradition Since 1988. 

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